Rabu, 14 Mei 2014


This time I wanna post about SCIENCE. *smile*
Especially about solar system.
We ignore my poems, the beverages, the foods, my life secrets, my peculiar moments, just for while.
So, let's enjoy our journey crossing our space, Milky Way.
Solar system are cluster of planets, moon, and pieces of space that orbitted on sun’s surrounding. Solar system is made probably from gas super clouds and interstellar dust that become one part because of that own gravity about five billion years ago (Lippincott, 2007:36).
There are the planets that walk around the sun on Milky Way:

Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun. Usually it is too close to the sun to be seen at all with the unaided eye. When it is visible, it’s low above the western horizon just after sunset or the eastern horizon just before sunrise. Thus, Mercury is always viewed in either morning or evening twilight. The brief and and widely separated intervals of time when the planet can be seen confused the Greek astronomers, who thought that Mercury was two separate objects. The Greek called the planet “Hermes” when it appeared in the evening sky and “Apollo” when it appeared in the morning sky (Fix, 2006:208). 
I think Mercury's surface dry enough, like no water in it. And the temperature is too hot. Maybe we can be melted easily if we live there.

Mercury has no satellite (Lippincott, 2007:45).
Source: http://bubblews.com/
Source: Seeds and Backman, 2010

Like Mercury, Venus is most often seen in the western sky in the evening or in the eastern sky in the morning. The ancient Greeks thought that these were different objects, so they called it “Phosporus” when it appeared in the morning sky and “Hesperus” when it appeared in the evening sky. Venus is so bright that it sometimes can be seen in the daytime if the sky is very clear and if an observer knows where to look. Venus has a nearly uniform yellowish appearance with none of the variations in brightness and color that can be seen for Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The only, features that can be detected from the Earth are vague, dark blotches that show up in photographs made using a blue or ultraviolet filter. The Earth’s orbital distance is closer to that of Venus than any other planet. Despite their apparent similarity, however, Venus and the Earth are strikingly different in many important ways. Their atmospheres, for example, have little in common. Venus’s atmosphere is much hotter and denser than Earth’s and has an entirely different chemical composition. The types of surface features on the two planets are quite different as well. The similarity of the Earth and Venus in mass, radius, and distance from the Sun makes their great differences in atmosphere and surface features surprising and important. It seems likely that the Earth and Venus formed and began to evolve along similar paths. However, relatively small early differences, particularly distance from the Sun, soon led those paths to diverge drastically. By comparing the Earth and Venus, we can see how early differences affect the evolution of Earthlike planets (Fix, 2006: 215-216). 
Why Venus called the most beautiful planet in the world due to its surface? 
Venus has no satellite (Lippincott, 2007:46).
Source: http//bobthealien.co.uk/
Source: Seeds and Backman, 2010

Earth is the one planet in solar system that can support the life. Combination of water liquid, atmosphere consists of oxygen and nitrogen, and dinamic weather pattern giving basic element to various life distribution of plants and animals. During more than million years, land and ocean form have changed, the mountains get bigger or slide, and the continent crosses the Earth. Some scientist see the balance of harmony threatened by population density. Deforestation and combustion of fossil fuel mean that carbon dioxide filled atmosphere faster than regenerative cycle plant to produce oxygen. Because carbon dioxide snares the heat below Earth’s atmosphere and doesn’t let it out again, Earth temperature can be rise. Earth has a satellite called Moon (Lippincott: 2007:42).
Yeah, we live in this planet. We should aware to our place, the one and only our place. Actually the Earth is beautiful and cool enough if it's observed from the space, right?
But, why in this planet happened some crime things, like murder?
Or black magic?
And it just makes everything bad. Everyone wanna own everything-greedy.
Pfffttt, yaaa sudah laaaahhh. Ups, back into English.
I think we have to keep the peacefulness anywhere and anytime. *simple*
Source: http://guardianlv.com/
Source: Seeds and Backman, 2010

Whereas Venus excited people's imagination because they could see so little of its surface, Mars was exciting because its surface shown so much. Many of Mars' features seemed to have counterparts on Earth. Clouds can often be seen in Mars' atmosphere, and pattern of dark markings on the surface come and go with the seasons, much like the patterns of changing vegetation on the Earth (Fix, 2006:233).As the twentieth century progressed, the idea of Mars as a habitable planet was gradually discarded. New observations showed that Mars’s atmosphere is far thinner than that of the Earth, that carbon dioxide is the principal gas, and that oxygen and water vapor are essentially absent. Any notion of Mars as an “abode of life” was shattered when the first Mars probe, Mariner 4, flew past Mars in July 1965. The 22 images it returned showed a heavily cratered surface, much like that of our Moon. Several hundred images radioed back to the Earth from the Mariner 6 and 7 fybys in 1969 confirmed the new picture of Mars as a dead planet. They showed that the atmospheric pressure of Mars is less than 1% that of the Earth at sea level and that the polar caps are primarily frozen carbon dioxide (dry ice) rather than water. Mariner 4, 6, and 7 returned pictures of only a small percentage of the total surface in Mars. In 1971 Mariner 9 went into orbit around Mars with the mission of imaging the entire surface of the planet. When Marriner 9 arrived, a dust storm covered the entire planet. The only visible feature was a cluster of dark spots. As the dust settled, the spots proved to be immense volcanos with peaks so high they poked above the surrounding dust. Other pictures showed canyon systems that dwarfed our Grand Canyon, and widespread channels that looked like dry riverbeds. Like the earlier Mariner 4 pictures, those from Mariner 9 changed astronomer’s views about Mars. The picture showed that Mars must have a very interesting, complicated history. Even better pictures of Mars were returned by the two Viking orbiters that arrived at Mars in 1976. Each Viking orbiter was accompanied by a lander that safely touched down on Mars’s surface and, for several years, returned images of its surroundings, meteorological data, and seismic measurements. Each lander also carried equipment to examine the soil of Mars for microbial life. After a gap of almost 20 years, Mars exploration resumed again in 1997. In July 1997, Pathfinder landed on Mars. Two days after landing, Pathfinder releases Sojourner, a small six-wheeled rover that explored the Martian surface in the immediate vicinity of Pathfinder. Sojourner carried a spectrometer to measure the chemical composition of the soils and rocks around the landing site. In September 1997, Mars Global Surveyor went in orbit around Mars with the mission of mapping Mars with much better resolusion than ever before. Mars Global Surveyor is able to resolve features on Mars as small as 1.4 m, about the size of a bicycle. In 2003-2004, a number of missions reached Mars, including the Spirit and Opportunity rovers (Fix, 2006: 235-236). Mars has two satellites, there are Phobos and Deimos (Lippincott: 2007:49).
We know that Mars called "The Red Planet" because of its color. Red means brave and ill tempered. Is that true? Ahhh, I wish Mars doesn't have this character like on the emoticon below:

Source: http://scm-13.technorati.com/
Source: Seeds and Backman, 2010

Jupiter is the most massive planet. In fact, it makes up 70% of all the planetary matter in the solar system. It is also the largest planet; its diameter is approximately 11 times as large as the Earth’s and 1/10 as large as the Sun’s (Fix, 2006: 267). Although the outer layers of Jupiter (and the other giant planets) consist almost entirely of transparent gas, clouds of liquid and solid droplets produce a wealth of colored features. Notice that there are alternating dark belts and light zones lying parallel to its equator. In addition, numerous bright and dark spots are visible. The largest and most famous of these is the Great Red Spot, an immense rotating cloud pattern that has been present at least since its discovery by Giovanni Cassini in 1665. The colors of Jupiter range from reddish-pink to blue-gray. Although Jupiter is certainly colorful, its colors are much more subdued than those of the Earth. Jupiter’s red isn’t as vivid as an apple and its blue isn’t as bright as a mountain sky (Fix, 2006: 268). Jupiter has 16 satellites, there are Metis, Andraster, Almathea, Thebe, Io, Europa, Ganymede, Calisto, Leda, Himalia, Lysithea, Elara, Aananke, Carme, Pasiphea, and Sinopea.
If I see Jupiter, I wanna eat some cakes. 

Source: http://www.celestiamotherlode.net/
Source: Seeds and Backman, 2010

Saturn was the most distant planet known to the ancients. When Galileo pointed his new telescope at Saturn, he was perplexed because Saturn seemed to have ears. Two years later he found that the ears were gone. He couldn’t explain their disappearance, but guessed that they would soon return, which they did. What Galileo had seen were the spectacular rings of Saturn. The rings are very thin and were viewed edge-on at the time Galileo thought they had vanished. Saturn’s rings give the planet a unique appearance and a special beauty (Fix, 2006: 267). Saturn is twice as far from the Sun as Jupiter is and receives only 25% as much solar energy. This makes the temperature of Saturn atmosphere cooler than Jupiter’s. Saturn has layers of ammonia, ammonium hydrosulfide, and water clouds. These cloud layers are widely separated in height, with relatively clear regions in between each layer. The layers of clouds exist at about the same temperatures as the clouds on Jupiter, but they lie deeper in Saturn’s atmosphere, so they are beneath much more gas. It is difficult to explain the more subtle, uniform colors of Saturn. One possibility is that the greater depth of the cloud layers on Saturn protects them from the ultraviolet radiation that can produce chemical reactions resulting in colored molecules. Another possibility is that updrafts, which might bring colored molecules up from great depths, are more gentle and uniform for Saturn than for Jupiter. Still another possibility is that the colored molecules are produced by lightning, which may be less common for Saturn than for Jupiter (Fix, 2006: 277). Saturn has 17 satellites, there are Titan, Rhea, Iapetus, Diane, Tethys, Mimas, Enceladus, Hyperion, Phoebe, Janus, Epimetheus, Atlas, Prometheus, Pandora, Telestro, Calypso, and Helena.
I loved this planet because of its ring. So pretty. 

Source: http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/
Source: Seeds and Backman, 2010

William Herschel’s discovery of Uranus in March 1781 is usually described as an accident. This is a little misleading. It is true that Herschel didn’t set out to find a new planet. However, the discovery is best described as serendipitous rather than accidental or lucky. William Herschel (1738-1822) was a professional musician who began a new career as an astronomer at the age of 30. He discovered Uranus in March 1781 while he was working on a project to measure the brightness and positions of all the naked-eye stars and the brighter stars that can be seen through a small telescope. Because Herschel was extremely thorough and because Uranus was bright enough to fall within the range of brightness he set out to study, it was inevitable that he would observe it during the course of his observations. Herschel is acknowledged as the discoverer of Uranus even though it must have been observed by many people from prehistoric time onward. uranus is bright enough to be seen with the unaided eye but had always been mistaken for a faint star. In fact, it was recorded on at least two dozen maps of the sky made before Herschel began his work. Herschel was the first person to notice the motion of Uranus and realize that it wasn’t just another faint star. Herschel named the new planet “Georgium Sidus” or “George’s Star”, after the ruling monarch of Britain, but this name soon faded from use. The name Uranus, originally proposed by the German astronomer Johann Bode, eventually became accepted. Bode proposed the name because, in Roman mythology, Uranus was the father of Saturn just as Saturn was the father of Jupiter. The discovery of Uranus made Herschel famous. King George III granted him an annual stipend that made it possible for him to give up his musical career and become a full-time astronomer. He built a number of large telescopes. With them he carried out important studies of double stars, the Milky Way, and nebulae (Fix, 2006: 292-293). Uranus has 15 satellites, there are Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, Oberon, Miranda, Cordelia, Ophelia, Bianca, Cressida, Desdemona, Juliet, Portia, Rolsalind, Belinda, and Puck.
It looks like full of liquid, wew. All of the surface looks like contained of water, blub blub blub. How if we take "spa" just for a while in there? Heheheee :D

Source: http://starryskies.com/
Source: Seeds and Backman, 2010

The discovery of Neptune is often cited as a triumph of celestial mechanics. In reality, though, it required some luck, too. Urban Leverrier, a young French astronomer, assume that the unknown planet had an orbit twice as large as that of Uranus, just as Uranus’s orbit was twice as large as the orbit of Saturn. Given the data and the methods used by Leverrier, there are many possible orbits that could account for the perturbations on the orbit of Uranus. Leverrier found an orbit that coincidentally put the calculated planet near enough to the actual planet that Neptune was discovered (Fix, 2006: 293-294). Neptune has eight satellites, there are Triton, Nereid, Proteus, Larissa, Despoina, Galatea, Thalassa, and Naiad.
It seems too cold and frozen... 

Source: http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/
Source: Seeds and Backman, 2010

Well, that's all about member of solar system in our universe. Even though it just contains a lil' bit information, I hope you can enjoy this journey at all. Hihihiii :D

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