Sabtu, 31 Januari 2015

Evanescence - Together Again

Never thought that I'd be leaving you today
So alone and wondering why I feel this way
So wide the world
Can love remember how to get me home to you someday?

We'll be together again
All just a dream in the end
We'll be together again

So many fears were swimming around and around in my mind
Who would have dreamed the secrets we would find

I've found a world where love and dreams and darkness all collide
Maybe this time we can leave our broken world behind

We'll be together again
All just a dream in the end

Evanescence - Hello

Playground schoolbell rings again
Rainclouds come to play again
Has no one told you she's not breathing?
I'm your mind giving you someone to talk to

If I smile and don't believe
Soon I know I'll wake from this dream
Don't try to fix me I'm not broken
I'm the lie living for you so you can hide
Don't cry

Suddenly I know I'm not sleeping
I'm still here
All that's left of yesterday

Evanescence - Like You

Stay low
Soft, dark, and dreamless
Far beneath my nightmares and loneliness
I hate me
For breathing without you
I don't want to feel anymore for you

Grieving for you
I'm not grieving for you
Nothing real love can't undo
And though I may have lost my way
All paths lead straight to you
I long to be like you
Lie cold in the ground like you

Blinding wall between us
Melt away and leave us alone again
Haunted somewhere out there
I believe our love can see us trough in death

I long to be like you
Lie cold in the ground like you
There's room inside for two and I'm not grieving for you
I'm coming for you

You're not alone
No matter what they told you
You're not alone
I'll be right beside you forever more

I long to be like you, sis
Lie cold in the ground like you did
There's room inside for two and I'm not grieving for you

And as we lay in silent bliss
I know you remember me
I long to be like you
Lie cold in the ground like you
There's room inside for two and I'm not grieving for you
I'm coming for you

Evanescence - The Other Side

Make me whole again
Open your eyes
Taunted by the shadows of your light
Cold and far away
Like you're not even mine
Undo everything and take me higher

Never believing what they say
'Cause I'm counting the days to meet you on the other side
I will always be waiting
Until the day that I see you on the other side
Come and take me home

I'm not giving in
I want you back
Holding together by the shards of our past
Stole my heart away
I can't let you go
Break these chains and let me fly to you
High above the world below
Over and over in my mind

Counting the days to meet you on the other side
I will always be waiting
Until the day that I see you on the other side
Come and take me home

I am so lost without my place inside your heart
I won't survive I need to know you hear me
Awaken and release my love

Counting the days to meet you on the other side
I will always be waiting
Until the day that I see you on the other side
Come and take me

Counting the days to meet you on the other side
I will always be waiting
Until the day that I see you on the other side
Come and take me home

Evanescence - My Immortal

I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

You used to captivate me by your resonating light
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts
My once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away
All the sanity in me

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

Antara Gamang dan Ragu

Aku memalingkan wajahku dari keraguan kepada kegamangan
Sama-sama menyebalkan
Hei, mengapa tak kurobek saja sekat itu?
Bukankah keraguan harus ditinggalkan?
Bukankah kegamangan harus dihilangkan?
Kalau aku hanya berlari-lari bodoh seperti ini, bagaimana aku terbang?

Banyak pertanyaan yang mesti dijawab
Limpahan kenyataan sudah tersaji di depan penglihatan
Jangan cuma menunggu waktu
Waktu pun bahkan lelah untuk memantaskan dirinya
Memantaskan diri untuk bersegera memberikan jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan kejam yang tengah berseliweran di kepala

Oh, tunggu apa lagi?
Lagipula aku lelah bermain drama
Memainkan peran sebagai bukan diriku itu menyakitkan
Melelahkan dan mengesalkan
Menghabiskan energi yang setiap hari harus diperbaharui
Menghitung-hitung waktu yang telah terbuang entah ke mana

Aku tak ingin mempermainkan waktu
Karena aku juga tak ingin dipermainkan olehnya
Betapa sedih dan susahnya melakoni peran yang salah
Harus sesegera mungkin membuat perubahan
Agar waktu tak berkhianat kepadaku

Rabu, 28 Januari 2015

Evanescence - Missing

Please, please forgive me
But I won't be home again
Maybe someday you'll look up
And barely conscious you'll say to no one
Isn't something missing?

You won't cry for my absence, I know
You forgot me long ago
Am I that unimportant?
Am I so insignificant?
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?

Even though I'm the sacrifice
You won't try for me, not now
Though I'd die to know you love me
I'm all alone
Isn't someone missing me?

Please, please forgive me
But I won't be home again
I know what you do to yourself
I breathe deep and cry out
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?

Even though I'm the sacrifice
You won't try for me, not now
Though I'd die to know you love me
I'm all alone
Isn't someone missing me?

And if I bleed, I'll bleed
Knowing you don't care
And if I sleep just to dream of you
And wake without you there
Isn't something missing?
Isn't something...

Even though I'm the sacrifice
You won't try for me, not now
Though I'd die to know you love me
I'm all alone
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?

Evanescence - Bring Me To Life

How can you see into my eyes like open doors?
Leading you down into my core
Where I've become so numb
Without a soul
My spirit's sleeping somewhere cold
Until you find it there and lead it back home

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can't wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
Call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
Bid my blood to run
(I can't wake up)
Before I come undone
(Save me)
Save me from the nothing I've become

Now that I know what I'm without
You can't just leave me breathe into me
And make me real
Bring me to life

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can't wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
Call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
Bid my blood to run
(I can't wake up)
Before I come undone
(Save me)
Save me from the nothing I've become
Bring me to life
(I've been living a lie)
(There's nothing inside)
Bring me to life

Frozen inside without your touch
Without your love, darling
Only you are the life among the dead

(All of this sight I can't believe I couldn't see)
(Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me)
I've been sleeping a 1000 years it seems
I've got to open my eyes to everything
(Without a thought, without a voice, without a soul)
(Don't let me die here)
(There must be something wrong)
Bring me to life

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can't wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
Call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
Bid my blood to run
(I can't wake up)
Before I come undone
(Save me)
Save me from the nothing I've become
Bring me to life
(I've been living a lie)
(There's nothing inside)
Bring me to life

Sabtu, 24 Januari 2015

Miss Philo Klaten

Hai, hai!!
Today was awesome!

Hari ini dadakan banget meet up sama salah seorang sahabat. Tanpa pikir panjang, kuputuskan untuk ketemuan di Miss Philo.
Miss Philo adalah salah satu cafe di Klaten yang lokasinya di Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto No. 3 Klaten. Ancer-ancernya sih kalo dari arah Solo (Jalan Pemuda) belok kiri pas traffic light Matahari Plaza, kiri jalan. Ngga jauh kok, ati-ati aja biar ngga kebablasan.
Bukanya jam 10am-9pm. Tempatnya ada di lantai 2 ya, guys. Interior cafenya oke punya laaahh.
Penampakan dalemnya
Ada balkonnya sih, sayang banget nggak kefoto. T_T
Karena cuaca siang tadi cukup panas, finally we decided to ngerumpi di dalem sajooo.
Ngga pake lama, langsung pesen ke waiter-nya dan pesanan pun datang di meja kami sekitar 3-7 menit.
Kebetulan tadi duduk mojok di meja no. 9 ^_^
Macaroni Schotel
Macaroni dipadukan dengan potongan daging asap dan keju. It tastes good. Kejunya lumayan nendang. 7k.
Little Donuts
Bener-bener little. Imut. Tingkat kematangannya pas, bagian atas ditaburi gula halus, manisnya juga pas. Waktu digigit, ada lelehan coklatnya. Yummy. 5k.
BBQ Chicken Skin Fried
Intinya kulit ayam goreng tepung yang dikasih taburan rasa barbeque. Gurih, crispy di luar. 7k.
Dark Brownies Ice Cream
Brownies dua potong plus satu scoop es krim vanilla yang dikasih saus strawberry dan potongan strawberry. Es krimnya adem. (Ya iya lah) Browniesnya manis dan endesss. 8k.
Ice Tiramisu
Ice Tiramisu nyegerin lah, cocok buat siang-siang yang panas bingit. Cita rasa kopinya berasaaa. 7,5k.
Satu lagi minumannya tapi nggak difoto, karena tampilan luarnya hampir sama. Heheee :D
Ice Vanilla Latte. Vanillanya berasa nendang di mulut. 7,5k.

Overall, enak lah. Tempatnya juga cozy. Minusnya cuma tempat parkir kendaraan yang agak riweuh karena di tepi jalan.

See you on my next post, guys!

Ngombi Cafe

Siang yang panas membuat hasrat hausku menjerit-jerit. (Apa banget deh bahasanyaaa) -____-
Di saat nggak laper tapi kerongkongan butuh sesuatu yang menyegarkan (yang tentu saja nggak cukup dengan gelontoran air putih saja), milkshake pun jadi opsi yang tepat.
Kali ini mumpung di deket stadion dan ada cafe mini yang bentuknya mobil (dan emang pemasarannya menggunakan mobil), aku coba deh beli di situ. Jadi dia sistemnya nomaden gitu jualannya. Berpindah-pindah dari satu spot ke spot yang lain. Entah di mana aja lokasi ngetemnya, yang jelas dia sering buka lapak di samping stadion Trikoyo Klaten, lebih tepatnya di sebelah selatan stadion, Jalan Tentara Pelajar, berseberangan dengan gedung SMA 1 Klaten.
Kayak gini nihh penampakan mobilnya, VW warna orange
Begitu melongok lewat jendela mobil, aku disambut oleh dua sosok lelaki yang ramah sekali. Mereka menawarkan menu. (Ya iya lah) -___-
Nahh, lewat jendela ini aku melongok dan memesan minumannya :D
Berikut penampakan menu-menu minumnya:

Nah, berhubung aku suka banget sama segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan coklat dan oreo, akhirnya dengan cepat dan tanpa pikir panjang sepanjang jalan Anyer-Panarukan aku memutuskan untuk memesan Choco Oreo. Yeaaaaaaaa \(^_^)/ *suara sorak-sorai dari kejauhan kemudian hening*
Daaaannn diblender-blender, ditambah ini-itu, jadilah!!
Voila! Choco Oreo Milkshake~
Cukup murah loh. Aku hanya merogoh kocek 7k udah bisa menikmati segelas susu kocok yang segar dan lezat ini. Well, rasa manisnya pas, ada bubble padat semacam jelly ato apalah itu namanya, coklatnya berasa, tapi sayangnya cita rasa oreo-nya kurang nendang karena cuma dikit banget taburan oreo-nya. But, overall it tastes good.

See you in my next post, guys!!

I Don't Wanna Survive, I Wanna Live

Aku sudah terlalu lelah
Menyesuaikan diri itu benar-benar butuh waktu dan proses
Tidak ada yang instan
Kau tahu, menggeluti sesuatu yang sama sekali belum pernah kau jumpai itu bukan hal yang mudah
Semudah-mudahnya pun paling hanya sebatas permukaan saja
Bukankah dituntut untuk memahami sampai akar-akarnya?

Jangankan memahami dunia lain, memahami diri-sendiri saja sulit
Duniaku serasa bagai main lompat-lompatan
Ke situ, ke sana, kemari
Layaknya masih suka mengombang-ambingkan diriku sendiri

Oh, sungguh menjemukan
Aku tidak mampu bertahan lama dalam suasana hatiku sendiri
Aku mudah bosan
Aku hanya berupaya untuk mencari suasana lain untuk membunuh kejenuhanku
Hanya itu

Aku usahakan untuk membuat semuanya mengalir begitu saja
Karena yang kuyakini tetap satu:
Aku tak mau bertahan, aku hanya ingin hidup.

Senin, 19 Januari 2015

Tak Apalah, Biarlah

Tak apalah, aku hanya berteriak namun tak ada yang mendengar
Tak apalah, aku berdiri di atas sampan yang sewaktu-waktu bisa menjungkirkanku tenggelam ke dasar air
Tak apalah, aku menggenggam bom waktu yang tak kuketahui kapan ledakannya terburai
Tak apalah, aku menggantungkan jariku hanya pada tepian tebing yang dapat membuatku terjun bebas ke dasar jurang saat aku tak kuasa lagi menahan kekuatan pada jari-jariku
Tak apalah, aku duduk di atas retakan kolam es yang berdasar air bersuhu rendah
Tak apalah, aku menyesali keputusan yang telah kubuat
Tak apalah, aku menghargai perasaanku sendiri
Karena cuma itu yang bisa kulakukan sekarang

Sabtu, 17 Januari 2015

Aku Menyesal~

Terkadang aku ragu dengan intuisiku sendiri
Padahal itu benar
Intuisi yang ada dapat menuntun langkahku ke depan agar aku tak terjerembab masuk ke lorong hitam
Tapi, apa daya
Logikaku menang
Aku benar-benar terlambat menyadarinya
Aku menyesali keputusanku
Seharusnya sejak awal kuturuti saja intuisiku
Seharusnya feeling yang kurasakan tak kuabaikan begitu saja
Seharusnya berbagai tanda yang diperlihatkan kepadaku kucermati sungguh-sungguh
Dan berbagai daftar panjang 'seharusnya' yang lain
Inilah namanya penyesalan
Inilah akibat meragukan intuisi
Dan hanya satu hal yang mampu kuungkapkan:
"Aku menyesal!"